WYOMING COUNTY/Apartment fire in Warsaw causes $60,000 in damages

(Submitted photos) Fire crews were called to an apartment fire in Warsaw on Tuesday afternoon about 2:43p.m. 10 fire companies responded to 122 South Main Street with smoke and flames showing. According to Wyoming County Office of Emergency Management, the building contained two apartments. The fire started in the lower …

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UPDATE/February 5th/Village and Town of Warsaw should continue to boil water after 3rd water main break

VILLAGE OF WARSAW / TOWN OF WARSAW WATER SYSTEM UPDATE #2 Wednesday, February 5, 2025 During the evening hours of Tuesday, February 4th, village crews identified a third watermain break in the northwest portion of the village. Repairs to the smaller 4” watermain began this morning with anticipated completion this …

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WYOMING COUNTY/Warsaw/Community collaboration and a generous grant lead to the opening of the Wyoming County Community Warming Center in Warsaw today 

Press release Warsaw, NY — January 7, 2025—Building on the success of the Orleans County Warming Center and the Brockport Community Warming Center, Oak Orchard Health (OOH) has continued to work with its Wyoming County community partners to open a new warming center in Warsaw on January 7th. This community …

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WYOMING COUNTY/Seven people assisted by Red Cross after apartment building fire in Warsaw Tuesday

The Red Cross assisted seven occupants after an apartment building fire in Warsaw at 94 North Main Street in the Village of Warsaw on Tuesday morning. According to the Wyoming County Office of Emergency Management, the three-story apartment building, owned by Krafted Properties LLC, contained nine apartments. The fire on …

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WYOMING COUNTY/Warsaw Garden Club Four Corners project will be completed in the Spring

Members of the Warsaw Garden Club at the Four Corners on Tuesday. Left- right-Kay Scheehan, Marty Rinehart, Arna Schabloski/Co Chair, Cindy Zanghi, Leslie Kunze, JoAnn Flynt The Warsaw Garden Club will be finishing their plantings at the Four Corners at the monument in Warsaw today. Members gathered yesterday to create …

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WYOMING COUNTY/Two arrests made after investigation into Warsaw business

(Information from a provided press release) A cooperative investigative effort between the Wyoming County Criminal InvestigationDivision, Wyoming County Drug Task Force, Warsaw Police Department, and WyomingCounty Environmental Health, following numerous complaints from the community, led to thearrest of two individuals in connection with unlawful sale of cannabis to minors. Authorities …

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WYOMING COUNTY/Man wanted in murder of Warsaw woman, last seen crossing the border into Mexico

Press release On November 7, 2023, the Warsaw Police Department were called for a “welfare check” on CHERYL COOK, a 53-year-old female. Upon entry into the residence, the Warsaw Police Department located CHERYL COOK deceased in the residence. A preliminary autopsy indicated the cause of death was strangulation. At the …

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NYS/DEC/Warsaw/Hunter charged after purchasing a NYS hunting license with a suspended/expired license

Press release On Nov. 18, opening day of the Southern Zone regular big game hunting season, Lieutenant Ward encountered three individuals in the town of Warsaw transporting an antlerless deer. Officer Ward checked the hunters and became suspicious when he noticed one member of the group had an Indiana address …

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