Deputy Fox of the Orleans County Sheriff’s Office charged Lisa Tiberio, 48, of Byron, with felony DWI, aggravated DWI, aggravated unlicensed operation, and operation without an interlock device after a traffic stop on Hinds road in Clarendon on September 24, 2017. Tiberio was remanded to jail on $5,000 cash bail …

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STAFFORD/NYSERDA Consultant talks to residents about the Universal Solar Law

The Stafford Solar Education Committee held it’s fourth presentation sessions informing citizens about what a large scale solar farm partnership means and about NYSERDA and the Universal Solar Law. The fourth session was held at the Episcopal church hall in Stafford this past Thursday night. Derek Meister, a NYSERDA Consultant, …

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GENESEE COUNTY SHERIFF’S REPORT/Hornell man jailed without bail after traffic stop

Joseph L. Henry, 31, of Chaddock Ave., Hornell, is charged with felony DWI, two previous convictions within 10 years, aggravated unlicensed operation 1st, unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle, drinking alcohol in a motor vehicle on the highway, inadequate exhaust, illegal stickers and moving from a lane unsafely after a …

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