WYOMING COUNTY/Despite the March 1st deadline to return to work, COs remain entrenched on the picket line in Attica

Despite the March 1st deadline to return to work, Correctional Officers outside of the Attica Correctional Facility remained on the picket line vowing to not go anywhere. The Wildcat Strike at prisons across NYS began February 17th. In the Village of Attica on Saturday, a group of about 100 vehicles …

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STRIKE UPDATE/NYSCOPBA has met with Governor’s Office all day today, 30 facilities participate in protests on Wednesday

The scene across from the Attica Correctional Facility late Wednesday morning Press release Currently there are approximately 30 correctional facilities in which officers/sergeants are participating in either protesting current working conditions inside the prisons or refusing to enter for their scheduled shift.  There are several facilities that are not participating …

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WYOMING COUNTY/Multiple officers injured at Attica Correctional Facility

Press release Attica, NY – Multiple staff were injured at Attica Correctional Facility in three separate attacksthat sent several injured officers to local hospitals for treatment last week at the maximumsecurity correctional facility. The first attacked occurred on Friday, February 9th. Initially, inmates were lined up to come back from …

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WYOMING COUNTY/Female officer sexually assaulted by inmate at Attica Correctional Facility

Several Officers and Civilian Staff Injured in Incident     For Immediate Release/Press release February 3, 2022 Attica, NY – A 38-year-old inmate, who is serving a 19-year sentence for robbery, grabbed a female officer several times in the groin area and fought with officers who attempted to stop him at the maximum-security correctional …

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WYOMING COUNTY/Multiple officers injured at Attica Correctional Facility

Officer and Sergeant Transported to Hospital for Injuries    For Immediate Release/Press release/NYSCOPBA July 2, 2021 Attica , NY – An inmate, who was possibly intoxicated on a unknown substance, injured seven officers and a sergeant when he repeatedly attacked them as they attempted to get him medical aid at the maximum …

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WYOMING COUNTY/Contraband seized at Attica Correctional Facility

For Immediate Release   June 3, 2021 Attica , NY – Staff made a startling discovery inside canned vegetables mailed to an inmate at the maximum security prison,  two cell phones with phone charges packed inside the cans along with over eight ounces of marijuana.  They also recovered additional electronic accessories secreted in …

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