BATAVIA/Modified Emergency Order Issued/Re-opening plans in final stages

MODIFIED EMERGENCY ORDER ISSUED RE-OPENING PLANS IN FINAL STAGES EMERGENCY ORDER #9-2020I, Dr. Martin D. Moore,issue the following modified emergency order(s) for the period of May 17, 2020 through May 21, 2020. This order continues the directives issued under Emergency Order #8, which was effective May 12, 2020, with the …

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BATAVIA/City takes measures to control expenses amid the COVID-19 Pandemic, layoffs announced, hiring freeze in place and cuts to programs

Press release BATAVIA, NEW YORK- The City of Batavia has conducted a gap funding analysis amid the COVID-19 pandemic and estimates a potential $2.5M shortfall in revenue to the General Fund in the 2020-21 fiscal year. The City’s budget was passed in March 2020 and was balanced with $17,598,636 in …

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