Tag: Genesee County Sheriff’s Department
GENESEE COUNTY/Correction Officers from the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office Jail Bureau graduate from basic corrections Academy

Left-right-Deputy Jail Superintendent Jeffrey J. Searls, Jail Superintendent William A. Zipfel, C.O. Ian A. Sanfratello, C.O. Aaron M. Spring, C.O. William H. Steavens, Undersheriff Bradley D. Mazur Press release Genesee County Sheriff William A. Sheron, Jr. announces the graduation of Correction Officers Ian A. Sanfratello, Aaron M. Spring, and William …
GENESEE COUNTY/Batavia/Local law enforcement participate in the 9th annual Shop with a Cop at Walmart/photos
GENESEE COUNTY/Sheriff William A. Sheron, Jr. is pleased to announce the 4th Annual Genesee County Sheriff’s Office Teen Academy Graduating Class

Press release/Provided photos “The Fourth Annual Genesee County Sheriff’s Office Teen Academy was another great success. The academy was held July 17 – July 21, 2023, at Genesee Community College. This academy was made possible with the support of Genesee County STOP DWI, the Genesee County Legislature, and Genesee Community …
GENESEE COUNTY/Batavia Downs sponsors local K-9 units with found money
GENESEE COUNTY/Rochester pair charged after larceny and pursuit on thruway
GENESEE COUNTY/Today kicks off Sheriffs’ Week

Press release (SEPTEMBER 19 – 25, 2021) Sheriffs’ Week celebrates the significant contributions made by the Office of Sheriff as an integral part of the criminal justice system in New York State and in Genesee County throughout our history. Having been established in the State’s first constitution in 1777, and …
GENESEE COUNTY/Jail inmate charged with assault
The Genesee County Sheriff’s Office is investigating an inmate on inmate assault that occurred at the Genesee County Jail on February 16, 2021 at 3:13p.m. Following the investigation, Wayne D. Potter, 37, an inmate at the jail, was charged with assault 2nd after allegedly punching another inmate in the face, …
GENESEE COUNTY/Investigator Parker says goodbye after 23 years at the Sheriff’s Office

Investigator Christopher Parker, an Investigator with the Genesee County Sheriff’s Department, has retired from the Department as of today. Parker has been with the Genesee County Sheriff’s Department for almost 23 years. He was named Officer of the Year in January of 2020 for the year 2019. Parker, a Republican, …
GENESEE COUNTY/Investigator Parker retiring from the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office

Investigator Christopher Parker, an Investigator with the Genesee County Sheriff’s Department, has announced he is retiring from the Department. His last day of work is today. Parker has been with the Genesee County Sheriff’s Department for almost 23 years. He was named Officer of the Year in January of 2020 …