GENESEE COUNTY/Town of Batavia Fire Dept. 77th Annual Installation of Officers and Awards Banquet held on Saturday at Terry Hills

Officers were sworn in by Deputy Director at Office of Emergency Management, Gary Patnode. Line Officers Chief- Christopher Strathearn Deputy Chief- Robert Hunt 1st Assistant Chief-Joshua Boyle 2nd Assistant Chief-ClaytonGorski Captain- Brian Bentley Lieutenant- Tyler Stewart Safety Officer-Paul Dibble Firefighter of the Year-Captain Brian Bentley with Chief Christopher Strathearn Total …

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GENESEE COUNTY/Don Newton Sr. honored for 55 years of service at 90th East Pembroke Fire Department Installation dinner

Donald Newton Sr. was honored for 55 years of service, he was also presented with a citation for his service from Assemblyman Steve Hawley at St. Maximilian Kolbe Church on Saturday January 11th. Years of Service 20 Years-Dan Norway 25 Years-James Gayton, Steve Smelski, and David Winters 35 Years-Dale Lewter …

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GENESEE COUNTY/Town of Alabama Fire Department Ugly Sweater Installation and Awards Banquet

This past week, the Alabama Fire Department lost 72-year member Anthony Mudrzynski. At Saturday evening’s Installation and Awards Banquet, Mudrzynski was named Firefighter of the Year, posthumously. Great Grandson Mark Smith says Grandpa Mud taught him everything and he will be missed at the department after all of his years …

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