Tag: ribbon cutting
WYOMING COUNTY/Public invited to new County solar array ribbon cutting
Press release The Wyoming County Board of Supervisors are inviting the public to a ribbon cutting for the County’s new 129 kW solar array that has been installed at the northern property line of the Wyoming County Highway Department, 4328 State Route 19 S, Silver Springs, NY 14550. The ceremony …
BATAVIA/Independent Living cuts the ribbon on new location
GENESEE COUNTY/Chamber of Commerce opens at new location near the thruway

It has been almost a three year project that began in April of 2015, and today the Genesee County Chamber of Commerce/Visitor Center has opened up at their new location at 8276 Park road, across from the Sheriff’s Office. “It’s all about location,” says Chamber President Tom Turnbull. “It’s location, …