GENESEE COUNTY/Justice for Children Advocacy Center awarded grant by Rotary Club of Batavia

Press release BATAVIA, NY (December 26, 2024) – The Justice for Children Advocacy Center (JFCAC) has been awarded a $1,000 grant from the Rotary Club of Batavia, NY. The Justice for Children Advocacy Center serves children that have been victims of sexual or physical abuse or witness to violence. The …

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GENESEE COUNTY/Rotary Club of Batavia inviting the community to join in a Disaster Relief Fund to aid those affected by recent hurricanes

Press release BATAVIA, NY – The Rotary Club of Batavia is inviting the Batavia and Genesee County community to join in a Disaster Relief fund to aid the people devasted by the recent hurricanes and resulting floods in the southeast region of the country. The local club voted unanimously on …

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GENESEE COUNTY/Rotary Club Awards Night 2023

Seven people receive Paul Harris Fellows Awards/Members and non-members-with Outgoing and incoming President-Left to right-Outgoing President/John McGowan, Incoming President/Susie Ott, Ed Leising, Jane Scott, Todd Jantzi, Dan Fischer, Donna Saskowski, Paul Saskowski, Jerry Reinhart and Dave Metzler. The Paul Harris Fellow program recognizes individuals who contribute, or who have contributions …

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