Tag: State of Emergency
GENESEE COUNTY/City of Batavia issues State of Emergency
NARRATIVE OF ORDER:The Iocal State of Emergency has been declared due to hazardous weather conditions, highwinds, increasing snowfall accumulation. This order also includes a travel ban on all City OfBatavia Streets and a parking ban across the City. This Emergency Order is necessary to protect the public from: weatherconditions that …
WYOMING COUNTY/State of Emergency declared

Press release A State of Emergency was declared this afternoon by Rebecca J. Ryan, Chairwoman of theWyoming County Board of Supervisors, due to the ongoing Coronavirus-19 (COVID -19)pandemic. “There has been an increase in confirmed COVID-19 cases in residents throughout the county,placing significant strains on the Wyoming County Community Health …
BATAVIA/City continues State of Emergency
LOCAL STATE OF EMERGENCY PROCLAMATION A State of Emergency is hereby declared in the City of Batavia, New York for a period of time beginning at 4:30 p.m.on June 8, 2020 and continuing in effect until 4:30 p.m. on July 7, 2020. This State of Emergency has been declared due …
BATAVIA/State of Emergency continued
LOCAL STATE OF EMERGENCY PROCLAMATION A State of Emergency is hereby declared in the City of Batavia, New York for a period of time beginning at 4:30 p.m. on May 20, 2020 and continuing in effect until 4:30 p.m. on June 8, 2020. This State of Emergency has been declared …
GENESEE COUNTY/Village of LeRoy declares a State of Emergency
Press release Greg Rogers, Village of LeRoy Mayor, declared a State of Emergency on March 19, 2020 and issued an Emergency Order effective March 19, 2020 beginning at 1:00 pm. Village of LeRoy Office and DPW Garage are closed to the public effective March 19, 2020 for five (5) days …
GENESEE COUNTY/Town of Elba declares a State of Emergency
PRESS RELEASE Donna Hynes, Town of Elba Supervisor, declared a State of Emergency at 3:00 p.m. on March 19, 2020 and issued an Emergency Order effective March 20, 2020 beginning at 12:00 a.m. In the Town of Elba our physical office and highway department will be closed to the public …
ORLEANS COUNTY/All schools in Orleans County closed after state of emergency declared
Press release/Orleans County Health Department/3.14.2020 4:30p.m. “Over the past week, COVID-19 has evolved rapidly. While Orleans County has no confirmed cases, there are confirmed cases in a neighboring county and increasing local testing. I believe it is inevitable we will see cases here in Orleans County,” stated Lynne Johnson, Chair …
ORLEANS COUNTY/Knapp Shores and Ed Rose Shores prepare for possible flooding

A State of Emergency has been declared along the shores of Lake Ontario in Orleans County as of yesterday. Water levels continue to rise and there has been increased flooding impacting low lying areas based on the wind direction and water levels. There is presently no immediate public safety threat …