A public hearing was held at 1pm today to solicit comments on the proposed incentive package being offered by GCEDC to HP Hood(Project Dairy) who is looking to acquire the former Muller Quaker Dairy Facility which closed in 2016.
One person spoke at the public hearing, James Christner of LeRoy, asking about the use of a water aquifer in the area and if the former company ever went forward with it.
Mac McCampbell ,a former O-AT-KA employee who worked with the Muller Quaker project, spoke up and said the aquifer water was never used as Muller Quaker had their hands full at the time.
McCampbell also spoke highly of HP Hood. He says they are a good company that will be here a long time.
The proposed incentives are $4.3 million in property tax abatements and $4.7 million in sales tax abatements.
Based on GCEDC economic impact model, Mark Masse, Sr. VP of Operations/ GCEDC says, it is estimated that it will generate an economic return of $45 back into the community for every $1 incentive proposed to be given to the company.
This does not include any potential milk purchases.
HP Hood is looking to employ 230 people and renovate the current manufacturing facility and construct silos and a new refrigerated warehouse.
The total cost of the project is $205,662,500. The facility would be used as a fluid processing plant.
Statement from Paul Battaglia, Chairman, GCEDC Board of Directors
“We are thrilled that Project Dairy is one step further to taking over the former Muller Quaker Dairy facility in the Genesee Valley Agri-Business Park.
“This project will have significant and positive economic impacts in Genesee County and the region and will create hundreds of jobs for our residents.”
Next step is for HP Hood to acquire the building from the current owners, Dairy Farmers of America.