Day: November 20, 2017
STATE POLICE/ Albion/Corrections Officer charged with official misconduct for a relationship with an inmate

Press release On November 20, 2017, the Bureau of Criminal Investigation (BCI) arrested Daijon Talford, 33 of Buffalo, NY for Official Misconduct. Talford was charged following an investigation into an unlawful personal relationship with an inmate while employed as a Correction Officer at Albion Correctional Facility. Talford was issued an …
PERRY POLICE REPORT/Rochester woman charged under Leandra’s Law

On November 19, 2017 at 3:12a.m., following a traffic stop for speed in zone, Malaty Sengsourichanh, no age provided, of Rochester was arrested for driving while under the influence of alcohol. She was also charged with two counts of aggravated DWI- Leandra’s Law for having two children in the vehicle …
ORLEANS AND GENESEE COUNTY/Driver of van involved in a high speed chase facing more charges in Orleans County

The Orleans County Sheriff’s office has filed seven additional charges against the driver of a vehicle involved in a crash in the Town of Barre. The crash followed a grand larceny and vehicle pursuit that began in Batavia. On November 17, 2017, the Orleans County Sheriff’s Office assisted the Genesee …
GENESEE COUNTY SHERIFF’S REPORT/Brockport man threatens another person in a road rage incident
BATAVIA POLICE REPORT/Geneva man charged in domestic incident

John J.Caez-Gonzalez, 30, of Exchange St., Geneva, NY, is charged with criminal contempt 1st, aggravated family offense and burglary 2nd after a domestic incident where he allegedly had contact with several persons that were protected by an order of protection issued by Batavia City Court. The incident occurred on State …