Joseph E. Marr, 39, of Nesbitt Rd, Attica, and Jenna L. Josephite, 29, of Main St. Rd., Batavia, are each charged with endangering the welfare of a child after they allegedly used cocaine in the presence of their one year old child before driving the child from Attica to Batavia while under the influence of drugs.
The incident occurred on February 17, 2018 at 4:00a.m.
Marr will appear in Batavia Town Court on March 13, 2018 at 1:00p.m. and Josephite will appear in Batavia Town Court on March 8, 2018 at 1:00p.m.
Laura Del Carmen Vazquez Coronado, 38, of North Byron Rd., Elba, is charged with DWI, unsafe backing, moving from a lane unsafely and driving on the shoulder after a motor vehicle accident on North Byron road at Strouts road in Elba on February 15, 2018 at 7:06 a.m.
Vazquez Coronado was released on an appearance ticket and will appear in the Town of Elba Court on April 18, 2018 at 5:00p.m.
Eric D. Holliday, 41, of East Bethany LeRoy Rd., Bethany, is charged with 4 counts of conspiracy 5th and 2 counts of conspiracy 4th, a felony, after allegedly conspiring with two others to fraudulently purchase and complete paperwork for the purchase of a vehicle on March 28, 2017 at 4300 Veterans Memorial Drive in Batavia.
Holiday was the sales person for a local car dealership and the purchase was finalized in a local shopping plaza parking lot.
Holliday was arraigned in Batavia Town Court on February 13, 2018.
Carter S. Dale, no age provided, of Attica, is charged with moving from a lane unsafely, not wearing a seatbelt and DWI after going off the road in his F-250 pick up truck on Rt. 20 near Rt. 238 in Darien on February 17, 2018 about 2:05 a.m.
Dale’s truck was found on the north shoulder of the road with wires on it. Dale allegedly went off the road and struck a power pole, street light pole and a street sign before coming to rest. A tractor trailer was traveling through the intersection after the accident and got tangled up in the low hanging wires.
Rt. 20 was closed for hours after the accident.
Dale was transported to ECMC with non life threatening injuries and the tractor trailer driver was not hurt.
Other charges are pending and Dale is to appear in the Town of Darien Court on April 2, 2018 at 4;00p.m. to answer the charges.