The 4th annual Shop with a Cop event filled the toy aisles at Walmart with kids and cops, who assisted 53 children in shopping for themselves and their families.

Schools within Genesee County assisted in choosing the children who were allotted to spend $100 on gifts. Law enforcement from the Batavia Police Department, Genesee County Sheriff’s Office and the NYS Police volunteered their personal time to participate on Saturday morning.
All three law enforcement agencies received grant money for the event.

After enjoying a table full of Christmas treats that were provided by Walmart and volunteers, the kids and their cop shopping partner greeted Santa as he arrived in a police cruiser.

“Its great to have that relationship with the community and police officers,” says Diane Waters, Store Manager at the Batavia Walmart.
Walmart provides specific employees that are designated to the event, along with Santa Claus, pictures with Santa, gift bags, wrapping paper and funding.
“It honestly would not happen without the associates, many of them helping us last night and through the week helping us get cleaned up and making the space for the event. The management team helps as well,” says Waters.
Waters’ daughter helped out too, she spent the week baking for the event.
“It takes weeks and weeks to do, but its worth it. Its the best thing of the year, we have the best time today, I love this day.”

Donations also were accepted from the City of Batavia PBA, Genesee County Sheriff’s Association, NYS Troopers PBA, CSEA, the City’s “Jeans for Friday” group, Bonarigo and McCutcheon Law Office, Bohm-Calarco Smith Funeral Home, Town of Batavia Fire Department and Statewide Machinery/House of Laundry. These donations allowed 25 extra children to be invited to Saturday’s event.

The Batavia Police Benevolent Association specifically chose to donate to two children of a local family who are dealing with a major medical concern.
“The kids get to have an amazing time, they get to come in and shop, they get to see the police officers are doing this for them on their own time, its just a great thing for us to do. Walmart wants to make sure that if we can help the kids and help them have more of a Christmas, we will.”