The Stafford Town Board voted 4-0 at Monday night’s Regular Town Board meeting to eliminate the motion to name Councilman Donald Mullen as Deputy Town Supervisor.
The subject came up when the Board was in the process of approving the January 14, 2019 meeting minutes.
“I talked to Don Mullen,” says Councilman Robert Pacer.
“He didn’t want to be Deputy Supervisor, he wanted to just be a backup, learn the position, in case we needed somebody.”
Pacer asked if the wording could be changed in the motion.
“We can make the correction or eliminate the motion entirely,” says Supervisor Bob Clement.
“Just eliminate it I guess,” Pacer replied.
The motion to eliminate was seconded by Councilman James Duyssen.
Councilman Donald Mullen was absent from Monday night’s meeting.