Press release
Genesee County Sheriff William A. Sheron, Jr. is pleased to announce that as a result of the collaboration between the Genesee County Legislature, Oakfield-Alabama Central School Board and the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office, the assignment of a School Resource Officer has been approved.
Deputy Howard O. Wilson, V has been selected by the Oakfield-Alabama Central School District as its School Resource Officer. Deputy Wilson is a 5-year veteran of the Sheriff’s Office. He was hired as a Correction Officer in 2014 and then appointed to Deputy Sheriff in 2016. During his tenure, he has earned three Commendations.
“The Oakfield-Alabama School District and Board are proud to have Deputy Sheriff Howard Wilson serve as our School Resource Officer. We look forward in creating a positive working relationship with him as he will serve to help and assist our students and community in many different facets. Thank you to the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office for this agreement,” stated Superintendent John Fisgus.
Sheriff Sheron indicated that his goal has always been to establish a School Resource Officer in all county schools to ensure the safety and protection of the students and faculty. “With the assignment of Deputy Wilson in the Oakfield-Alabama Schools, we are that much closer to our goal. Although the cost associated with placing a School Resource Officer in the schools is significant, I believe the safety and security of our children should be of the utmost precedence.”
“In todays environment a School Resource Officer is not a luxury anymore, its a necessity,” says Sheriff Sheron.
Pavilion, Alexander and Pembroke agreed to SRO’s in their school districts at the beginning of the school year in September of 2018.
Deputy Wilson started as an SRO at Oakfield/Alabama at the end of January 2019. He spends half of his day at the elementary school and the other half at the Junior/Senior High School. The cost for half a year is $46,000.
“Everyone is opening up to it, the young kids love it and the high schoolers are warming up to it,” says Deputy Wilson.
Superintendent John Fisgus has been on board at Oakfield/Alabama for a few months and says he could not be happier.
“He serves in multiple facets, he serves with our counselors, he’s law enforcement and protects the school, he also serves as a teacher and a liaison to families and the community. He is not here to be the heavy, he is here to help us and the community and the kids,” says Fisgus.
Genesee County Legislator John Hilchey introduced the resolution on Wednesday night at the County Legislative meeting. Hilchey says he has a vested interest in the school district since his daughter in-law teaches physical education at the high school and his daughter is a pre-school teacher. He also has four grandchildren ages 7-8 in the district.
“I was thrilled. It worked out well. The District did not have to be the guinea pig, they had the luxury of being the 5th school to sign on,” says Hilchey.
“Great credit to the Sheriff for putting quality people in these position as SROs.”