Day: April 1, 2019
BATAVIA/Three charities presented with checks after Mr. Batavia fundraiser at Batavia High School

Mr. Batavia winner Terelle Spinks presented a check for $2,776.50 to Volunteers For Animals representative Stacy Squire. Spinks won the two hour competition held at Batavia high School last month. He was representing Volunteers for Animals. The student run event helps out various community organizations by raising funds. Twelve senior …
GENESEE COUNTY/Attorney asks that the case be dismissed against Antwan Odom
On Friday afternoon, Frank Housh, the Attorney representing Antwan Odom in Genesee County Court, requested that the case against his client be dismissed because of an improper Grand Jury decision. Housh is concerned that the Grand Jury was not able to consider the issue of self defense. “The fact that …