The doers and the givers were celebrated at the United Way 2019 Wrap-up Celebration breakfast on Friday.
“We celebrate with those that have raised money all year long to try and achieve our goal of raising $350,000,” says Tammy Hathaway, Regional Director.
Many service providers also attended.
So far $344.000 has been raised.
Two new awards were added this year, a Volunteer of the Year award and Acts of Valor (Knights in Shining Armor) awards.
“The Knights in Shining Armor awards are for things we struggle with, like oh my gosh how are we going to make this happen and somebody comes forward and made it happen for us.”

Left to right-Tammy Hathaway, Sue Wallace, Jill Warner and David Crisp

Left-right-Tammy Hathaway, Jocelynn Sikorski, Steve Zimmer

Left to Right-Tammy Hathaway, Jeff Green, Lori Burlinghan, Tricia Doty, Amanda Nothnagle, Laurie Pfaff

Left to right-Millie Tomidy-Pepper/YWCA and Laurie Pfaff, V.P. United Way

ACTS OF VALOR(Knights in Shining Armor awards)

Greg received an Act of Valor Award and Joan received a Friend of the United Way Award