The Genesee County Sheriff’s Office has arrested three people after a traffic stop at East avenue and Ross street on October 2, 2019 at 12:22p.m.
Gabrielle M. Chaplin, 28, of Porter Ave., Batavia
Trevon L. Armstrong, 34, of Denio St., Batavia
Darius L. Jones, 27, of Exchange St., Attica.
All are charged with criminal possession of a weapon 2nd, a felony, criminal possession of a controlled substance 7th, endangering the welfare of a child, and unlawful possession of marijuana.
Jones is additionally charged with exposure of a person and Chaplin is additionally charged with fail to give notice and improper/no child restraint.
During an investigation during the traffic stop, deputies allegedly found marijuana, oxycodone and a loaded handgun after the vehicle failed to signal at a turn. Also a 10 month old child in the back seat allegedly was not properly secured in a child restraint seat and was also in proximity to the handgun.
All three were arraigned in City Court.
Armstrong and Jones were jailed without bail and Chaplin was jailed in lieu of $10,000 cash and $20,000 bond bail. All three re-appeared in City Court on October 3, 2019.
The incident is being investigated by Inv. Christopher Parker, Assisted by Deputy Christopher Erion and K-9 Frankie, Sgt. Michael Lute, Sgt. James Diehl, Investigator Ronald Welker, Detective James DeFreze and Batavia Police Officer DeGroot, McGinnis, Cronmiller, Cowen and Tucker.