Day: October 18, 2019
GENESEE,ORLEANS AND WYOMING COUNTIES/PrEP Aware Week October 20 – 26, 2019 Public Health Column
Did you know there is a pill to prevent HIV? Pre-exposure prophylaxis, also known as PrEP, is a safe and effective daily pill that can greatly reduce your risk of HIV infection. PrEP is prescribed for HIV-negative people who are at a higher risk for getting HIV, most commonly through …
GENESEE COUNTY/Citizens with disabilities in the Genesee Region can question candidates in the November election on their own turf
GENESEE COUNTY/Stafford holds Bicentennial kickoff planning party

Stafford New York is celebrating 200 years in 2020. On Thursday night, the official Bicentennial Sendoff Party, complete with wine and cheese, was held at the Stafford Museum of History. About 30 residents involved in the planning of events met to discuss activities that are being planned for the year …