New Cases
· As of 2:00 p.m. today: 4.6.2020
o Genesee County received 10 new positive case of COVID-19 for a total of 32 positive cases.
§ Ten are under the age of 65 residing in the central part of Genesee County
§ Four of the positive cases were under mandatory quarantine and are now under mandatory isolation.
§ All of the positive cases are under mandatory isolation at home.
o Orleans County: 6 new positive cases of COVID-19 for a total of 15 positive cases.
§ One of the positive cases is under the age of 65 and lives in the eastern part of Orleans County
§ One of the positive cases is 65 and over and resides in the western part of Orleans County
§ Four of the positive cases are 65 and older and reside in the central part of Orleans County
§ One of the 6 is under isolation at the hospital and the other 5 are under mandatory isolation at home.
§ Two of the Orleans positive cases were under precautionary or mandatory quarantine when they became symptomatic.
· Contact tracing has been initiated for all new cases.
Known contacts have already been placed under mandatory quarantine and will be swabbed if indicated (if symptoms become present).
· If a person is identified as a contact, they will be notified by the County Health Department, quarantined and if warranted, swabbed if indicated. Limited information is provided to the public in compliance with HIPAA regulations and out of the respect of those impacted by this virus.
· When, and if, there is a situation where potential contact is made in a public location where contact tracing doesn’t have actual names we will send out a media announcement to help seek contacts
· We are asking that people be respectful and accommodating of health care workers and responders. They are doing their job to protect you and our community.
· Be Responsible – Because COVID-19 is circulating locally, we can’t stress enough how important social distancing is and that EVERYONE needs to take this seriously and stay home!
It is your social and civic responsibility to protect yourselves and others.
o Today’s jump in numbers are reflective of increasing community spread and the fact so many are still out and about, taking the family grocery shopping, going to work sick, and having gatherings at home. Keep in mind as you disregard the Governor’s orders and related guidance, you are risking exposure to yourself and your family members…and are perpetuating the spread of COVID-19 for everyone in our communities.
o When you are sick, stay home from work! A significant increase in the number of mandatory quarantines being reported today is due to a symptomatic person going to work at a local business. If you are part of gatherings and even one person tests positive everyone in close contact to the positive will be placed on mandatory quarantine. We’re all in this together, we need to make sacrifices in the short term to get us through this challenging time.
· Click below to view the Genesee and Orleans County online map of confirmed cases

· Connect together by celebrating apart. We understand that Easter is a time many families gather to celebrate the holiday with spring time traditions such as Easter egg hunts and large family dinners. We are asking our communities to think of fun and clever ways in which you can still virtually connect with your loved ones while keeping everyone safe and healthy.
· Going out for essentials: If you have to pick up essential items such as groceries or prescriptions, only one (1) member of the house hold should be going out. Make a list ahead of time to limit your exposure in the store. Maintain at least 6 feet of distance between you and other people. Do not bring in unessential items such as purses, phones, etc. These items can carry germs from the store and back home with you. Wash your hands frequently.
· Practice social distancing everywhere, including outdoors. As the weather begins to warm up it is important to understand that you must continue to practice social distancing. This means maintaining 6 feet of distance between you and other people. DO NOT play or participate in sports or activities that bring people together. If you are walking, jogging, or biking outside, make sure you pass people at a minimum of 6 feet apart. Being outdoors will not protect you from contracting the virus. Remember this is only temporary. The more we practice social distancing the sooner we can get back to normal.
· Please stay home if you are sick. DO NOT go to work if you are sick, symptomatic, or feel unwell. If you develop symptoms while at work, go home immediately.
· Medical Concerns: If you feel you may have COVID-19, call your primary care provider or healthcare facility ahead of time. DO NOT GO DIRECTLY THERE, CALL AHEAD TO GET GUIDANCE.
· According to the New York State Department of Health COVID-19 Tracker, there are now 130,689 positive cases of COVID-19 in New York State.
· New York Governor Cuomo announced Monday the New York State “Pause” Executive Order, will remain in effect until at least April 29.
The governor said the state will re-evaluate if it will be extended even further every two weeks. This means schools and non-essential businesses will remain closed.
· Complaints regarding businesses are being referred to the State Department of Labor via online form or phone: 1-822-789-0470.
· New Yorkers without health insurance can apply through NY State of Health within 60 days of losing coverage. · New York State on PAUSE: To assist local authorities with enforcement of these orders, the Governor established the New York State PAUSE Enforcement Assistance Task Force where individuals can file complaints regarding the operation of non-essential businesses or gatherings 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Link to file a complaint online. You may also call 1-833-789-0470. Businesses that are not in compliance with the Governor’s executive order may be penalized.
· New York State Department of Health –
· CDC –
· Genesee County Health Department –
· Orleans County Health Department –
· NY State of Health –
· If you believe an employer is violating either existing labor laws or recently issued by Governor
Andrew Cuomo, please contact the NYS Attorney General’s office at (212) 416-8700 or
· Mental Health in both counties are available in various capacities and the Care + Crisis
Helpline is available 24/7 at 585-283-5200 or text 741741 for anxiety and stress
· New Yorkers can call the COVID-19 Emotional Support Hotline at 1-844-863-9314 for mental health counseling
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