GENESEE/ORLEANS/Health Department working with local employer to determine if there was contact with a person who tested positive for COVID-19

Press release

The Genesee and Orleans County Health Departments are working with a local employer to determine if there was close contact between their employees and a person who tested positive for COVID-19.

Contact tracing with all identified as potential contact is in progress and people are being swabbed if needed. To protect the privacy of the individual, no further information will be shared related to this incident.

As of 2:00 p.m. today (count includes Saturday and Sunday numbers), the following positive results were received, for Genesee County there were 10 new positive cases of COVID-19 for a total of 32. Genesee has received 260 negative test results, 23 people (positive cases) are under mandatory isolation, 46 people under mandatory quarantine, 1 under precautionary quarantine and 8 have recovered. For Orleans County, there are 6 new positive cases for a total of 15 positive cases. Orleans has 162 negative test results, 11 are under mandatory isolations (positive cases), 16 under mandatory quarantine, 2 under precautionary quarantine and 4 are recovered.

This is an important reminder that if you are experiencing any respiratory symptoms, including mild ones, to stay home and self-isolate so you aren’t potentially sharing germs with others. The more people walk around with symptoms, the more they are potentially putting other’s lives at risk. Not everyone experiences symptoms, or they may feel like they ‘just’ have a cold – STAY HOME! “It is your civic and social responsibility to stay home to protect yourselves and others,” stated Paul Pettit, Director of the Genesee and Orleans County Health Departments.

“When you are sick, stay home from work,” stated Pettit, “A significant increase in the number of mandatory quarantines being reported today is due to a symptomatic person going to work at a local business. Also, if you are part of gatherings and even one person tests positive everyone in close contact to the positive will be placed on mandatory quarantine. We’re all in this together, we need to make sacrifices in the short term to get us through this challenging time.”

The CDC has also recommended that anyone out in public especially in areas with high incidence of COVID-19 to wear a cloth face cover. These can be homemade for community members. For information on how to make your own face covering use the link:

It is important to note, that wearing a face covering may slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus, and it will keep your hands away from your face. You still need to practice frequent handwashing, cleaning often touched items as the virus can stay on surfaces for some time, keep your hands away from your face (eyes, nose and mouth) and continue to practice social distancing. Keep 6’ away from non-household members and don’t socialize at the store, other people’s homes, in the line waiting for take-out, etc. With the Easter holiday fast approaching plan on calling or using a social media app to spend time ‘with’ your family and friends, from a distance!

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