The family of Rose Sherman gathered at a window at the Village Green Nursing Home on Saturday morning, to wish her a happy 104th birthday.
It was a very joyous occasion, Rose was all smiles and in good spirits, talking to her family via cell phone at the window.
After her family sang Happy Birthday, Rose took some time in blowing out the single candle on her cupcake, but eventually she made her wish.
Happy Birthday Rose!

Fun facts about Rose(provided by her family)
· She grew up in Garbutt (Scottsville), NY
· Maiden name: Rose Lattuca
· She was married to Jon C. Sherman Sr. until he passed and lived most of her life in Le Roy, NY, raising her 4 children there
· Her Family:
o 4 children (all surviving): John (Pam) Sherman, Tom Sherman, Sandy (Tim) McCulley, Charles (Mindy) Sherman
o 14 Grandchildren
o 27 Great-Grandchildren
o 14 Great-Great Grandchildren
· She has never had a driver’s license
· She is known and loved in Le Roy by many as a favorite babysitter/daycare provider over the years
· Later in life Rose worked for the Genesee Country Museum as an interpreter. For about 20 years she dressed in period attire and entertained visitors with facts about olden times.