New Cases – Including the weekend numbers
· As of 2:00 p.m.
o Genesee County received 1 new positive case of COVID-19 for a total of 202 positive cases.
§ The positive individual resides in Pembroke.
§ The individual is in their 20’s.
§ The new positive case was not on mandatory quarantine prior to testing
§ 0 of the total active positive cases are hospitalized.
o Orleans County received 7 new positive cases of COVID-19 over the weekend and up until 2:00 p.m. today for a total of 254 positive cases
§ Two of the positive individuals reside in Shelby and five of the positive individuals are residents of Orchard Rehabilitation & Nursing Center.
§ One of the individuals is in their 30’s, one of the individuals is in their 40’s, two of the individuals are in their 60’s and three of the individuals are in their 70’s.
§ Neither of the two new positive community cases were on mandatory quarantine prior to testing positive.
§ 2 of the previous community positive cases have recovered and have been released from mandatory isolation.
§ 13 of the total active positive cases are hospitalized.
Please note those in the hospital may be from the community or a state-regulated facility. We do not separate them out to protect their privacy.
· We encourage everyone to remember to be polite and respect individual privacy. If you have a complaint about someone or a business use the appropriate channels provided by the state. Using social media to air your complaints and accusing individuals / businesses of wrong doing generally does nothing to fix the problem. Be compassionate of other people and spread kindness.
Click below to view the Genesee and Orleans County online map of confirmed cases.

{The facility breakdown is only showing the total positive cases from those facilities from where we received a positive swab for COVID-19.}
The Governor has amended Executive Order 202.6 for determining whether a business enterprise is subject to a workforce reduction:
Interim Guidance for Pools and Recreational Aquatic Spray Grounds During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency:
Phase 3 is open.
With that in mind, everyone in Phase 3 should have developed and implemented their Business Safety Plan and have it in place prior to opening whether it be a business, house of worship, not-for-profit organization, etc. You are responsible to have your plan and all necessary supplies in place prior to opening.
You will not be submitting your plan, however it must be on the premises in the event of a state, local or safety inspection. Keep checking the New York Forward website for your industry/organization summary guidelines.
Per Governor Cuomo gatherings (groups, assembly, meeting, etc.) of 25 or less are permitted with social distancing and sanitization protocols in place. The Health Departments do not authorize or allow exemptions from the Governor’s orders. If you have questions about the orders you can go to or e-mail the Finger Lakes Regional Control Room.
If you have questions or complaints regarding your business operations, please contact the Finger Lakes Regional Control Room: To file a complaint about a business, location or incident in your community you can call 1-833-789-0470 or Businesses that are not in compliance with the Governor’s executive order may be penalized.
Mental Wellness: Six New Yorkers. Six weeks. Coping together. New Yorkers are coping with a lot. Coping Circles are free six-week support and resilience groups, held by video or phone, facilitated by licensed mental health professionals. Learn more and sign up at for a Coping Circle, including specialized Circles for Healthcare Workers and First Responders, Survivors of COVID-19 Infection, Job Loss due to COVID-19, or Loss of a Loved One to COVID-19.
Contact Tracing: Currently both counties are handling contact tracing for all of our cases. Calls will come from the respective Health Departments. In the event we need assistance we will use the NYS Contact Tracing Program. For more information about the State Contract Tracing, :
Swabbing and antibody testing is becoming increasingly available in the WNY region. If you are experiencing symptoms, contact your primary care provider and they will determine if testing is right for you. If the counties receive an increase in swabbing supplies and the protocol for testing is changed, we will notify the public. The Health Departments are not providing public swabbing due to lack of supplies. For more information on testing click here. URMC facilities are providing both swabbing and antibody testing. For antibody testing questions e-mail:
o Testing locations:
· COVID-19 Immunization Trial: for those interested about volunteering for the study call: (585) 922-5944 or e-mail Some pharmacies are opening for testing, make sure you check with your insurance provider as it is required prior to testing for this location.
For CVS go to:
· ROC COVID-19 Health Screener: This symptom tracker for the Greater Rochester region is a scientific study collected aggregate data by zip code to track hot spots of COVID-19. The data will potentially show how the virus may be spreading, identify areas that may be at risk and determine how our efforts are working to slow the spread. You can participate by taking the daily survey whether you are having symptoms or are feeling healthy. It just takes a few seconds. To learn more go to:
· The Nursing Home hotline number is 833-249-8499 or click the link for the online form:
Mental Health · Everyone reacts differently to stressful situations and having to socially distance yourself from someone you love can be difficult. Below are resources that can help you connect to a professional that can help you through these challenging times:
o Care + Crisis Helpline is available 24/7 at 585-283-5200 or text ‘Talk’ to 741741 o New Yorkers can call the COVID-19 Emotional Support Hotline at 1-844-863-9314 for mental health counseling
o Health care workers can text NYFRONTLINE to 741741 to access 24/7 emotional support services
Domestic Violence · For New Yorkers in need of help or assistance, they can text 844-997-2121 or can go to the new confidential online site to reach a professional at The new text program and confidential online service will make it easier for victims who are isolated with their abusers to get help. Both the text and online service are staffed 24/7 by the Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence Staff who are experts in the area of domestic violence.
· New Yorkers who have recovered from COVID-19 are encouraged to donate blood.
Here’s information on how to donate or for the American Red Cross Donation Program
· Complaints regarding businesses are being referred to the State Department of Labor via online form or phone:
· New York State Department of Health –
· CDC –
· Genesee County Health Department –
· Orleans County Health Department –
· NY State of Health –
· If you believe an employer is violating either existing labor laws or recently issued by Governor Andrew Cuomo, please contact the NYS Attorney General’s office at (212) 416-8700 or
Follow us on social media to receive reliable information about COVID-19.
· YouTube
· Ready Genesee
· Orleans Aware