Jessie Underwood, V.P. of Genesee County ABATE, says after the group held a Flag Day ride to the Batavia VA a few weeks ago, many member wanted to hold another ride to support local law enforcement.
“You have very good cops, and we have some that are not so good. The majority of the good cops are taking a beating right now, and I don’t think its fair,” says Underwood.

About 185 motorcycles showed up for the 60 mile ride that started in Genesee County and then traveled to Orleans County.
“These guys have a few seconds to make a decision, and sometimes they always don’t make the right decision. We have fallen officers that have been shot, its not right, they get up every morning, leave their families, go to work, put on a badge, and they don’t know if they’re coming home. We just want to support them and show them that we do care.”

Unfortunately, the ride abruptly ended after the stop in Medina.
The lead car in the rally was involved in a t-bone accident at Rt. 63 and 31A. The riders decided not to continue on to stops at the Orleans County Sheriff’s Office, State Police in Albion and the Holley Police Department.
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