New Cases – As of 2:00 p.m.
o Genesee County received 1 new positive case of COVID-19 for a total of 244 positive cases
§ The positive individual resides in Batavia.
§ The positive individual is in their 70’s.
§ The positive individual was not on mandatory quarantine prior to testing positive.
§ 2 of the previous community positive cases have recovered and have been released from mandatory isolation.
§ 15 new individuals are on precautionary quarantine due to travel from restricted states.
§ No individuals are hospitalized.
o Orleans County received 1 new positive case of COVID-19 for a total of 272 positive cases
§ The positive individual resides in Clarendon.
§ The positive individual is in their 80’s.
§ The positive individual was not on mandatory quarantine prior to testing positive.
§ 1 of the previous community positive cases has recovered and has been released from mandatory isolation.
§ 45 new individuals are on precautionary quarantine due to travel from restricted states.
§ 2 of the total active positive cases are hospitalized. Please note those in the hospital may be from the community or a state-regulated facility. We do not separate them out to protect their privacy.
Click here to view the Genesee and Orleans County online map of confirmed cases

The facility breakdown is only showing the total positive cases from those facilities from where we received a positive swab for COVID-19.
Travel Advisory:
New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut announced that as of 06/25/20 travelers from the following states with high coronavirus rates will be required to self-quarantine for 14 days.
· As of 07/21/20, states include Alaska, Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Maryland, Missouri, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington and Wisconsin.
Those violating could be subject to a judicial order and mandatory quarantine and potential fines. These states may change at any time.
Click here for more information.
· Traveler Health Form: For all out-of-state travelers from NYS restricted states, whether arriving by land or air, must self-identify by completing a traveler health form or be subject to a $2,000 fine. Click here for the traveler health form.
Precautionary Quarantine: Everyone (including children) who has traveled to/from any restricted states (for more than 24 hours) are required to self (precautionary) quarantine and self-monitor their health upon entering New York. This means the individual(s) cannot leave to go shopping, visiting, daycare and are only allowed to go for emergency care for 14 days.
Businesses including childcare providers should include a travel question in their regular health screening for their staff and clientele / children. Click here for the guidance For general inquiries contact or call the Hotline: 1-888- 364-3065 or click Ask A Question
Essential Workers’ Quarantine: Those who are noted as essential workers who have either been in close contact with someone who tested positive or who has traveled from a restricted state (more than 24 hours in restricted state) and are NYS residents will be placed on either mandatory quarantine (close contact with confirmed positive) or precautionary quarantine (returning traveler) and are not experiencing any symptoms, can report to their work if they are deemed essential and critical for the operation or safety of the workplace but they must follow strict guidelines while at the workplace which includes wearing a mask at all times while in the workplace for 14 days after exposure, must self-monitor health and temperature, maintain social distancing practices, clean and disinfect workspaces and maintain quarantine which means they are only able to go to the workplace and home when not working.
To read more about these requirements click here.
· For those who are traveling to NYS for work, click here for guidance.
· For those who are returning to their NYS residence or are traveling to NYS from restricted states and have tested for COVID-19, they will still be quarantined for the 14 days after the last contact within such designated states regardless if they tested negative. The quarantine runs independent of any testing due to the incubation period of the virus which can be anywhere from 2-14 days.
Alcohol Sales Guidance: Executive Order 202.52 in effect starting July 17, 2020 all licensed establishments with on premises privileges (e.g. restaurants, taverns, manufacturers with tasting rooms, etc.) shall not serve alcoholic beverages unless such alcoholic beverage is accompanied by the purchase of a food item by each patron in a seated party. For more guidance from the NYS Liquor Authority, click here.
COVID Rental Assistance Program: A new COVID Rental Assistance Program will provide aid to low- income families who lost income due to the pandemic; program applications will be available here on Thursday, July 16.
Masks: Masks / Face-coverings are still required to be properly worn (covering nose & mouth) for all employees who work with the public (Executive Orders: 202.16 & 202.17). They are to be worn with direct contact (and all food service workers are to properly wear coverings when preparing and serving food – no exceptions) with the public as well as with co-workers when social distancing of 6 feet or more is not able to be kept.
All residents over the age of two (2) and able to medically tolerate a face-covering are required to cover their nose and mouth with a mask or cloth face-covering when in public and unable to maintain, or when not maintaining social distance of 6 feet or more.
To help with the understanding behind the considerations for wearing cloth face coverings go to the CDC link by clicking here.
According to Governor Cuomo’s Executive Orders 202.42 and 202.45, all non-essential gatherings of up to 50 of individuals of any size for any reason (graduation parties, celebrations, or other social events) unless otherwise designated (ex. Religious gatherings), are now allowed for those regions in phase 4. So long as appropriate social distancing, wearing cloth masks/face coverings over their mouth and nose, requirements are followed.
ð For further information about mask / face covering and social distancing guidance and potential fines go to:
· The most important thing to remember is if you are having any type of symptoms to STAY HOME! Some of the symptoms people have been reporting are fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, muscle or body aches, new loss of taste and/or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, headaches, fatigue nausea or vomiting and/or diarrhea.
· For general inquiries contact or call the Hotline: 1-888-364-3065 or click Ask A Question
· Click here to view the interim guidance.
Community Testing Sites
· Check with the testing site for any specific criteria necessary for testing such as illness, contact with someone who tested positive, essential worker, required for reopening / business, etc. Many need to have a doctor referral/prescription. Always call first.
· WellNow Urgent Care: 4189 Veterans Memorial Drive Batavia, NY 14020.
· Rochester Regional Health Urgent Care: 16 Bank Street Batavia, NY 14020.
o *Rochester Regional Health has transitioned COVID-19 evaluations from the tents at 127 North Street to Urgent Care**
· Oak Orchard Health: 301 West Ave Albion, NY 14411. Call (585) 589-5613 to be screened and to schedule an appointment – no walk-ins
· Antibody Testing: This is a current snapshot of the SARS-CoV-2 antibody test results both departments have received and will be updated periodically, but not daily.
o Genesee County: Of the 1,738 antibody test results received there were 54 who tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) antibodies.
o Orleans County: Of the 760 antibody test results received there were 19 who tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) antibodies.
To find additional test sites nearest you, please click here.
Individuals who have questions regarding eligibility or access for testing should call the New York State COVID-19 Hotline at 1-888-364-3065 or visit the NYSDOH website
COVID-19 Resources
· To file a report of an individual failing to adhere to the quarantine pursuant to the travel advisory, please call 1-833-789-0470 or click here to file a complaint online.
· Complaints and concerns:
· Finger Lakes Regional Control Room:
· To file a complaint about a business, location or incident in your community you can call 1- 833-789-0470 or
· To find a test site, click the link:
· ROC COVID-19 Health Screener: To learn more go to:
· For access to various languages and ASL videos click this CDC link.