BATAVIA/City of Batavia Fire on emergency preparedness during weather emergencies

Press release

Weather emergencies can strike often times without warning and inhibiting our ability to secure basic necessities. Rescue and response agencies will be responding, but may not be able to assist immediately depending upon the severity of the event.

As a result, the City of Batavia along with the Department of Public Works, Fire and Police Departments would like to remind all City residents to take the necessary precautions and preparedness steps to be ready in the event of an emergency situation.

In the event that there is a loss of power, practice energy conservation to help the power company avoid rolling blackouts. Keep your car’s fuel tank at least half full as gas stations use electricity to operate the fuel pumps. Ensure that you know how to manually release your electric garage door opener. Always use a surge protector to protect your computer and other electronic devices from an energy surge. Avoid opening the refrigerator and freezer doors as food will remain fresh for up to several hours after the power goes off. Lastly, if the power outage is expected to last for several days or more, consider relocating to a shelter or a friend or family member’s home if possible.

In the event that you plan to use a portable generator, be sure that you operate it outside only. Do not operate the generator within the home or garage and do not hook it up directly to your home’s wiring. Instead, connect the equipment and appliances that you wish to power directly to the outlets on the generator.

We also recommend that you have the following items available: Fully charge cell phone with a spare power block, battery powered radio, flashlight with spare batteries, paper cups, plates and plastic utensils, blankets and sleeping bags, personal toiletry and first aid kits.

Lastly, having a family emergency plan along with an emergency supply kit will assist you in managing many different types of weather based emergencies. Additional information on specific types of emergencies can be found on the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and Red Cross websites as well as on their apps for smart phones.

As always, you can contact the City of Batavia Fire Headquarters for any questions that you may have at 585-345-6375.

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