Day: April 18, 2021
GENESEE COUNTY/Zerillo achieves Boy Scout’s highest rank after building planter boxes for the residents of LeRoy Village Green Nursing Home

By Julie Carasone Samuel Zerillo, of LeRoy, a graduate of Notre Dame High School, and member of LeRoy Boy Scout Troop 6021, achieved the Boy Scouts highest rank, Eagle Scout, after completing his Eagle Scout Project honoring his grandparents. Zerillo built planter boxes for the residents at LeRoy Village Green …
GENESEE COUNTY SHERIFF’S REPORT/Akron man charged after motor vehicle accident on West Main street road
GENESEE COUNTY/Holley man indicted on felony rape and sexual abuse charges
Juan M. Mendez, 20, of Holley, has been indicted by a Genesee County Grand Jury and is accused of the crimes of rape 1st degree, a class B violent felony, rape 3rd degree, a class E felony, sexual abuse 1st degree, a class D violent felony, and sexual abuse 3rd …