The Batavia Rotary Club cut the ribbon on a new kayak launch/dock at Dewitt Recreational area on Cedar street on Friday morning.
After working on securing a Rotary District matching grant of $3,000, the group was able to use the $6,000 raised to build a new launch and purchase 10 new kayaks for any youth group in Genesee County to use at Dewitt Park.
According to Rotary President Tom Turnbull, the City of Batavia assisted with the purchasing process, Genesee County assisted with the use of the park, storage and transportation of the kayaks to the park, and the YMCA is assisting with lifeguard training and life jackets.
“Its a great way to expand Rotary’s contribution to the community,” says Turnbull.
Last year, Rotary helped in the purchase of benches and bike racks on the Ellicott Trail.
“Rotary had come to the City Youth Bureau and wanted to provide an outdoor activity with kayaks, something a lot of youth do not have the opportunity to use,” says Paul Osborn, Deputy Highway Supervisor/Parks Dept.

Osborn says the City was unable to transport and store the 10 kayaks so they approached the County to assist at Dewitt. The County Highway Department created the transport trailer by adding some storage to an existing trailer. The parks staff will bring the kayaks to the park for use when local youth groups request them.

“The launch itself is handicap accessible, anybody can come and use the launch, the kayaks are available for any youth programs in the city, villages or towns, they just have to call us(585-344-1122) and arrange for the use and some training with Environmental Educator Shannon Lyaski.”
The County Parks Program offers Kayak programs in June and July. Call 585-344-1122.