Press release
The Orleans County Mental Health and Public Health Departments came together to support that May is recognized as Mental Health Awareness Month. This year’s theme, “Your Story Isn’t Over Yet”, which is reflected in the above picture of public health and mental health department staff and members of the Orleans County Suicide Prevention Coalition. The “Your Story Isn’t Over Yet” theme is represented in the form of a semi-colon within a heart. It was created to symbolize affirmation and solidarity against suicide, depression, addiction, and other mental health issues, the semi-colon inspires and reminds us of strength in the midst of suffering.
The Orleans County Mental Health and Public Health Departments, along with the Orleans County Suicide Prevention Coalition would like to take this opportunity to remind our community that we are available to offer support in the face of adversity. Resources are available in times of crisis, as well as to provide ongoing support to those in need.
The Care + Crisis Helpline is a 24 hours/7 days week crisis line that can be reached by calling (585) 283-5200. The New York State Suicide Prevention Lifeline can be reached by phone or text, Phone: 800-273-8255, Text: 741741. These organizations are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year. Orleans County Department of Mental Health has walk-in hours Monday through Friday from 12:30pm to 1:30pm. Please contact the Orleans County Mental Health Department at 585-589-7066 for additional information on their supports and services.
The shirts worn by the staff in the picture were made possible by the GOW (Genesee, Orleans, Wyoming) Pathway to Hope Suicide Prevention Steering Committee funded by the Suicide Prevention Center of New York State.