The owners of Eli Fish Brewing Company, located at 109 and 111 Main street in Batavia, are conducting an open house tomorrow, June 25th at 4:00p.m. to provide tours to various community and business leaders of three new apartments on the third floor of the former J.J. Newberry Department store in downtown Batavia. The three units are in addition to four apartment units on the second floor that were completed in 2018.
Whitney East Inc., General Contractor for the apartment project, was on scene completing the finishing touches for the open house. Tenants will occupy the new apartments beginning in July.
The construction of the new units were supported through a $137,600 grant from New York State’s Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI) and administered through the Batavia Development Corporation’s Main Street program as well as through a grant from the DRI Building Improvement Fund, also administered by the BDC, with guidance from the New York State Office of Homes and Community Renewal.