Freedom Fellowship, a faith based group in Darien, held a ribbon cutting ceremony with the the help of the Genesee County Chamber of Commerce on Saturday afternoon, for a 3,200-square-foot three bay auto repair garage and print shop/store, Freedom Expressions, at 254 Broadway Road.
“We started with our print shop because many of the people in our programs are very artistic and we wanted to give them an outlet to display their talents, the store is more or less an extension of that, candles, pictures, custom t-shirts. It employs them and gives them purpose and they can display their skills,” says Victoria Kula, Director at Total Freedom Fellowship.
The public garage and print shop is run by those in recovery from substance use disorders.

Total Freedom NY is a 9 month faith based residential program where men and women live on campus and go through a process that includes a curriculum that they follow which is biblical based. Men and women have separate living quarters and go through a process of healing.
“They break out of the things that brought them here in the first place,” says Kula.

The new print shop and service garage are part of the Freedom Fellowship Campus. Freedom Fellowship is a non-denominational church.
The print shop was started a few years ago and recently they upgraded their printing process and now can process on a larger scale.

“A lot of the people who come into the program, we develop relationships with them and that is the big reason we started the automotive side. We wanted to give them something they could do for their ministries. It’s a God thing for us, one thing just leads to another, to another and here we are.”
Work at the automotive shop is limited to light repair, tires, brakes and routine service.

Link to websites: Home | TOTAL FREEDOM NEW YORK | 585.902.6001 | DARIEN CENTER NY (totalfreedomny.org)