Tender Loving Family Care’s Garden View location in LeRoy celebrated their re-opening on Thursday afternoon in LeRoy, with an official ribbon cutting provided by the Genesee County Chamber of Commerce.
The location in LeRoy has been open for about 10 years and is now open after taking a break because of COVID-19. Founder and owner, Annika D’Andrea, says the LeRoy location at 124 East Main street is ready to serve families in the Genesee County community again.
“We had to take a break or a pause, the Social Adult Day Program was shut down and we couldn’t re-open that,” says D’Andrea. “At this family type home we were mainly doing respite or short stays or quarantine stays. It was different, but now we are fully ready to open.”

Garden View is a family type home for adults, respites or borders or mixed and can house 4-6 residents. The atmosphere is home-like and non-institutional. It is a home for adults who need help with their daily activities, and some supervision along with kindness and caring.
They offer a Senior Home (family type -non-institutional setting) for those that may not want to be in a larger scale setting. Individuals can move in and become residents.

Residents are provided direct assistance with everyday tasks, like bathing, dressing and meals. Trained staff are on site 24 hours a day. The family-type home provides companionship, a furnished room, board, 24-hour assistance with emergency call systems, laundry services, housekeeping, meals, medication supervision, assistance with personal care and transportation services
Garden View also offers Respite Care (Caregiver Relief Services), where individuals can stay for a short term stay, a couple of days, if a family member is taking care of their mom or dad and has an emergency, or they can stay for a week or a month, or sometimes just over the winter, when families are moving to Florida for a temporary time.
The family style home also provides a Social Adult Day Program for people who live in the community with their loved ones. Individuals can come in for the day to do structured activities rather than just staying home and watching TV.
“We also provide a licensed homecare service agency, so if the individual is unable to come in and they just want to stay home, we can bring a care provider into the home to provide for personal care needs, we offer just about anything up to nursing care so individuals can age in place and stay at home if they don’t want to be displaced,” says D’Andrea
Tender Loving Family Care was formed in 2007 with one employee and one client. Since then, the family-owned business has grown to over 100 employees company wide that includes a home health care agency, adult day program, family-type homes and child care locations. They serve Genesee, Orleans, Wyoming, Monroe, Livingston, Wayne and Ontario Counties.

Owner Annika D’Andrea has worked in the health care industry for over 20 years and understands the needs of people to age in place. Since she was 6 years old, she has had a passion to help others. Caring for those in need at her church as a child in her community, assisting with any tasks that she was capable of doing.
“I think a lot of people, especially seniors, you know they are really facing social isolation, its kind of depressing. Its really tough, I have been going into homes and just visiting with families and its really hard, they need an outlet, they need a place and I think the community is fortunate and we are fortunate to provide such services to assist the community and have this here supporting seniors and their families. I hope more people will utilize the supports that we have to offer.”
Link to Website Tender Loving Family Care
For more information call, 585-637-0333