Press release
The LeRoy Democratic Committee is pleased to announce it’s 2021 candidates.
After a large turnout at their caucus Tuesday evening, the LeRoy Democrats have chosen their candidates for the November 2 General Election.
Robert Fussel Jr. is a teacher at the Attica Correctional Facility. Together with his wife, Stacey, they have raised their two daughters here in LeRoy.
“I am running because I believe in doing the right thing regardless of what others may think or say about you personally. ” Fussell said after receiving the nomination for Town Board candidate.
Sara Krzemien is a full time student and mom of two girls as well. She is also running for the LeRoy Town Board.
“I am ready to be that fresh voice at the council table. We can have progressive ideas without compromising our small town feel. It’s why many of us have chosen to live here.”
Both candidates are seeking to build a stronger community and allow for more transparent local governing.
Nominated for Town Justice is Carol DiFancisco. Ms. DiFrancisco is a recently retired teacher of 35 years from the LeRoy High School.
“You have to listen and be fair. You can’t be partial. I believe that from my experience as a mother, a teacher and as a member of this community, I have the ability to make tough and fair decisions. I am honored to be your candidate.”
There are two seats open for town board and one position for town justice.