ORLEANS COUNTY/Six year old East Shelby boy opens a produce stand after starting his first garden

(Submitted photos and information)

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A week shy of his 7th birthday, six year old Nathan Gray wanted to grow his own vegetable garden this year after helping his dad Justin plant his garden.

Extending his garden a bit so his son could have a piece of land, Nathan tilled the soil and planted corn, squash, zucchini, peppers, lettuce, cucumbers, watermelon, muskmelon, sunflowers and pumpkins.

Justin says Nathan has been helping his whole life, but this year he wanted to do more and make his own money. Nathan’s mom, Theresa, says Nathan has been his dad’s helper since he started to walk.

“He is literally been doing chores and liking them since he could walk,” says mom.

Nathan had some help from his dad, but he does a lot of the garden work and the stand himself.

“He works harder then most adults I know,” says his dad.

Submitted photos (above)

“He is out there every day weeding, picking and checking the garden. His stand started a couple weeks ago when our produce started coming on. When he has time he sits out there and helps customers and works his stand. Trying to teach him that hard work pays off.”

With dad’s help, Nathan also constructed the wooden stand itself.

“He is a very hard worker and determined,” says his Grandma, Michelle Gray Coots.

“He sets his mind to it and doesn’t want to quit until its done.”

Local farmers have been providing fruit and the stand sign was made and donated by Case in Medina.

The stand opened at the end of July.

Nathan’s Produce Stand is located at 5056 East Shelby road just south of the East Shelby Fire Hall and is open daily. Nathan is there on Sunday’s from 10-4pm to personally thank his customers.

Nathan’s mom, Theresa Gray, says Nathan has been his dad’s helper since he started to walk. (Submitted photos above and below)
Nathan with his younger brother Cole(submitted photo)

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