A rally for medical freedom was held by area healthcare workers in front of WCCH at 400 North Main street in Warsaw on Saturday, August 28, 2021.
Healthcare workers from across the GLOW region gathered to protest the the NYS vaccine mandate for all healthcare workers that was put into place on Thursday August 26, 2021 by the NYS Department of Health.
All staff in hospitals and nursing homes must be fully vaccinated for COVID-19 or have their first dose by September 27, 2021. All other facilities, such as diagnostic and treatment centers, home health agencies, long-term home health care programs, school-based clinics and hospice care programs, must have at least one shot by October 7, 2021.
The Department of Health says the mandate takes effect immediately.

You’re healthcare workers and you’re refusing to be vaccinated? Seriously? All the sickness and death that Covid19 has brought to the entire world means nothing to you all? You all don’t mind if you get Covid19 and perhaps pass it on to patients and possibly kill one or more. Grandparents, mothers, fathers, kids, etc. will all be at risk because you think your precious rights are being violated by having a needle put it your arm? You all are supposed to be in the business of saving lives and maintaining patient’s health. You all should absolutely not be in the healthcare field. You know many people who have protested the vaccine have since died from Covid. Just a thought for you. Finally, none of you will ever lay a hand on myself or my family and I sincerely hope you are all terminated from your jobs. None of you should be in the healthcare field.
Do you feel the same about flu shots?
Same difference in terms of contagion.
If you’re asking do I feel the flu vaccine should be mandated, then yes. I feel any vaccine that stops or helps to stop the spread of contagious viruses should be mandated. The only exception should be proven allergies or intolerances to a vaccine. We now have the technology to prevent pandemics and there’s no reason they shouldn’t be used.
“The only exception should be proven allergies or intolerances to a vaccine. ”
Hey communist, please move away to a commie country ! Oh, and get a PHD in medicine too before you start vocalizing your extremely uneducated, ignorant opinion.
Your ignorance is stupendous. Vaccines don’t prevent the spread of a respiratory virus, and neither do masks. Being vaccinated doesn’t prevent you from becoming infected and being contagious. If the vaccine works, you’ll probably be asymptomatic, and you’ll walk around spreading the virus just like anyone else who is not vaccinated, but also asymptomatic. You do understand how these things work, correct? A vaccinated healthcare worker can be just as contagious as someone who’s not. The original, targeted spike protein, of the original Wuhan viral strain is no longer dominant. The efficacy of the vaccines is waning because of that one simple factor. It’s the same science of why the influenza vaccines are hit or miss year to year. They target the incorrect strains, or variants within a strain. Peace.
My body my choice!! You want it you take it. Stop degrading those who decline. You have no idea apparently what these workers went through. It pure ignorance that you attempt to bash them. It’s still America and we have freedom of choice!!!
Yeah they actually are educated, and have first hand experience and insight. While they were on the front lines exposed day in and day out, many of them having tested positive themselves and already went through it, you were probably sitting at home gettig your 600 week extra unemployment and watching CNN ! #1. Most probably have natural immunity at this point, proven by study to be 13 times more effective than the shot. #2. The shot does NOT , CDC acknowledged, does NOT stop a vaccinated person from spreading it to anyone eles !!! #3. You hope they will be fired… well sweetheart, if you have a heart attack, good luck giving yourself that CPR , lol
I agree