Day: October 17, 2021
BATAVIA/Wiener Dog Race winners at Batavia Downs
PEMBROKE/Pembroke High School’s Veterans Outreach Club will honor local Veterans in “Wall of Honor” event next month

Story by Julie Carasone In 2019, Hunter Schodel, Vice President of the Pembroke Veterans Outreach Club, wanted to recognize local veterans for their accomplishments and sacrifices and with the club, they decided to do a “Wall of Honor”. Schodel is the brainchild behind the project. He came up with the …
John D. Gaylord, 44, of S. Main St., Elba, is charged with assault 3rd as a hate crime after an incident on Hundredmark road in Elba on October 10, 2021. Deputies say Gaylord allegedly assaulted a person by shoving them and causing them to suffer a broken foot. Gaylord also …