Day: November 21, 2021

Arrests Criminal Mischief 4th; Attempted Assault 3rd; Harassment 2nd, 7:10 PM, Tuesday, November 16, 2021, Liberty St. – On 11/16/2021, Matthew W. KURTZ Sr. M/52 of Batavia NY, was arrested on the above charges. It’s alleged that Kurtz shoved another person and threw an object at their head, during a …
ORLEANS COUNTY/Sheriff’s Office investigating an accidental shooting in Carlton

Press release The Orleans County Sheriff Office is investigating an apparent accidental shooting in the Town of Carlton. On November 21, 2021, at 3:14 pm, the Sheriff’s 911 Communication Center received a report of a male suffering from a gunshot wound on Winding road in Waterport. Carlton Fire/EMS, Central Orleans …
Genesee Cancer Assistance celebrates 25 years of service to Genesee County

Genesee Cancer Assistance celebrated their 25the year of serving the community in Genesee County on Saturday evening with a celebration dinner at Batavia Downs. About 250 community volunteers and some who have been helped by Genesee Cancer Assistance, shared their appreciation and love for the group. Started by Dorothy Schlaggel …