Cortney Dawson and Jenn Noon just want to bring smiles and happiness to the faces of those around Batavia just as Bob Zeagler, aka, Holiday man, did for so many years.
Zeagler, aka, Holiday Man, dressed up his car and himself for each and every holiday and spread cheer throughout town. He passed away in 2016 at age 70.

Dawson and Noon organized the 2nd Annual Bob’s Christmas Car Day this year with a trip around the City of Batavia on Sunday. After the car parade, everyone met up at the First Presbyterian Church at 300 East Main street for hot cocoa, cookies, pizza, giveaways and Christmas activities.
“We are in the second year of the pandemic and its Christmas time. I know it’s hard for a lot of people, there are a lot of people stuck inside right now in isolation and Bob used to bring Christmas joy and just holiday joy in general to Batavia,” says Noon.

Dawson credits her son Maddox with the idea of decorated cars.
“He was watching a show where they were driving around with decorations, and he says why can’t we do that with our cars. When Jenn told me about Bob and what he used to do that’s how we came up with Bob’s Christmas Car Day,” says Dawson.
The pair say they already have next year’s Christmas Car Day planned, it is December 18, 2022 at the First Presbyterian Church parking lot at 300 East Main street.
“We are doing this in his honor, being able to bring those smiles and happiness and the joy he brought our community is really important to us,” says Noon.