Ashley L. Grann, 33, and Jacob D. Smith, 33, both of Rochester, NY, are each charged with reckless endangerment 1st degree, a class B felony, grand larceny 4th degree, a class E felony, unlawful fleeing from a police officer in a motor vehicle, criminal possession of a controlled substance 7th and obstruction of governmental administration, following a grand larceny from Dick’s Sporting Goods on Veteran’s Memorial drive on July 3, 2022 about 3:10p.m.
Genesee County Sheriff’s deputies pursued a suspect vehicle from the Town of Batavia to the City of Rochester on the thruway and Rt. 390.
The suspect vehicle was allegedly operating erratically and at a high rate of speed while fleeing from deputies
The pursuit ended when Smith and Grann exited the vehicle while on Brooks avenue in the City of Rochester, and fled on foot from deputies before being apprehended.
Both suspects were allegedly in possession of illegal narcotics.
Smith and Grann were arraigned in Stafford Town Court on behalf of Batavia Town Court and will appear in Batavia Town Court on July 23, 2022 at 10:00a.m.