
Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance – With Intent to Sell; Tampering with Physical Evidence; Obstruction of Governmental Administration, 3:55 PM, Saturday, December 3, 2022, Ellicott St. – Eric R. MOTQUIN, M/40, of Batavia, NY, was arrested on the above date and time on the aforementioned charges after a traffic stop in the City of Batavia where MOTQUIN was allegedly in possession of narcotics. During the traffic stop, MOTQUIN attempted to destroy the narcotics and after briefly struggling with officers, was taken into custody. MOTQUIN was arraigned in Batavia City Court by Judge Burns and remanded to the jail in lieu of $1 bail. MOTQUIN is scheduled to reappear in Batavia City Court at a later date.
Failure to appear on an Appearance Ticket, 9:00 AM, Wednesday, August 24, 2022, E. Main St. – On 12/03/2022, Erik R. MOTQUIN, M/40, Batavia, NY, was arrested and arraigned in Batavia City Court by Judge Burns on an arrest warrant after he allegedly failed to appear in court after being served an appearance ticket. MOTQUIN was held on bail and is to appear in Batavia City Court on 12/15/2022 at 1:30 PM.
Trespass, 3:12 PM, Tuesday, December 6, 2022, Jackson St. – On 12/6/2022, at approximately 4:22 PM, Alicia M LYONS, F/43, of Batavia, NY, was arrested for trespassing. LYONS was released with an appearance ticket and released with a return date of 12/20/2022, at 1:00 PM.
Trespass, 11:42 PM, Tuesday, December 6, 2022, Maple St. – On 12/6/2022, Batavia Police arrested Harry R. SILLIMAN, M/58, homeless, following an investigation into a domestic incident on Maple St. SILLIMAN was issued an appearance ticket scheduling him to appear in Batavia City Court on 12/20/2022 at 1:00 PM.
Disorderly Conduct – Unreasonable Noise, 7:46 AM, Tuesday, December 6, 2022, Walnut St. – Robyn D. SCOTT, M/65, Batavia, NY, was arrested on the above charge. Police were called to an address on Walnut Street for an ongoing annoyance issue involving alarms and unreasonable noise. After conducting an investigation, SCOTT was placed under arrest, issued an appearance ticket and then released. SCOTT is due to appear in Batavia City Court on 12/20/2022 at 1:00 PM.

Grand Larceny 4th; Petit Larceny; Conspiracy, 4:09 AM, Wednesday, November 16, 2022, Oak St. – On 12/5/2022, Jarrod K. FOTIATHIS, M/27, homeless, was arrested on the above listed charges. Charges stem from a larceny investigation where FOTIATHIS and another person stole property from another person. FOTIATHIS was processed and released on an appearance ticket returnable to Batavia City Court on 12/27/2022.
Aggravated DWI; DWI – First Offense; Consumption of Alcohol in a Motor Vehicle, 6:01 PM, Monday, December 5, 2022, Vine St. – On 12/5/2022, Jean N. PETTIT, F/58, Batavia, NY, was arrested on the above listed charges. PETTIT allegedly drove her vehicle while under the influence of alcohol and stopped at a local residence to ask for assistance. PETTIT failed field sobriety tests and was arrested. PETTIT was processed at the Batavia Police Department and released. She was issued uniform traffic tickets returnable to Batavia City Court on 12/21/2022 at 9:00 AM.
Attempted Assault 3rd, 11:39 PM, Thursday, October 13, 2022, Oak St. – On 12/01/2022, Tyshon L. TAYLOR, M/25, homeless, was arrested after an investigation that took place on 10/13/2022. TAYLOR was arraigned in Batavia City Court and held on nominal bail. TAYLOR is scheduled to re-appear in City Court at a later date.
Sourced via CRIMEWATCH®: