DECEMBER 29, 2022
Gary E. Jackson, 30, of Liberty Street, Batavia, NY, is charged with Assault 2nd degree. On 12/09/2022, Jackson was arrested for Assault in the second degree after allegedly causing physical injury to a law enforcement officer during an incident on August 14th, 2022 on Liberty Street. Jackson was arraigned in front of Judge Rogers of Batavia City Court who released him under supervision to return to Batavia City Court on 12/13/2022 at 3:00PM. Incident Investigated by Officer Post assisted by Officer Gombos.
Ledeja K. Wright, 32, of Maple Street, Batavia, NY, is charged with Torture/Injure Animal/Fail to Provide Sustenance. Wright was arrested on December 15th on an arrest warrant for torturing or injuring animals, stemming from an incident on November 30th where Wright allegedly left a dog in an apartment that she no longer resided in and failed to provide sustenance. Wright was arraigned in Batavia City Court and released. She is scheduled to reappear at a later date. The dog was turned over to the Genesee County Animal Shelter. Incident investigated by Officer Weglarski assisted by Officer Quider and City Animal Control Officer Quilliam.
Robert L. Drennan, 40, of State Street, Batavia, NY, is charged with Criminal Mischief in the 3rd degree. On 12/23/2022. DRENNEN was arrested for criminal mischief in the third degree at a local residence in the City of Batavia after he allegedly caused damage to a residence. DRENNEN was released on an appearance ticket and is to appear in Batavia City Court on 01/04/2023 at 1:00pm. Incident investigated by Officer Mruczek, assisted by Officer Quider.
Julie R. Richardson, 31, homeless, Batavia, NY, is charged with Grand Larceny 4th, Petit Larceny, Conspiracy 5th and Tampering with Evidence. On 11/16/2022, Officers received a report of a larceny from a vehicle which occurred on S. Main St. After a lengthy investigation, RICHARDSON was arrested and issued an appearance ticket. She will appear in Batavia City Court on 1/10/2023 at 1:30pm. Incident investigated by Officer McGinnis.

Andrew A. Crimes, 50, of West Main Street Road, Batavia, NY, is charged with Criminal Contempt 1st degree and Aggravated Family Offense. On 12/9/2022, CRIMES allegedly violated a valid stay away order of protection by contacting the protected party. After officers investigated the matter, CRIMES was located and placed under arrest. He was arraigned in Batavia City Court and held. CRIMES is due back in court on 1/4/2023 at 1:00pm. Incident investigated by Officer McGinnis.
Deanna L. Yox, 37, of Clifford Street, Buffalo, NY, is charged with Petit Larceny. On 12/21/2022, YOX was arrested on an arrest warrant stemming from the larceny of items from a local business in February of 2020. YOX was processed and appeared in Batavia City Court on 12/21/2022 at 1:00pm. Incident investigated by Officer Martinez assisted by Officer Rissinger.
Malinda J. Falk, 41, of East Main Street, Batavia, NY, is charged with Harassment 2nd degree and Criminal Obstruction of Breathing/Blood Circulation. On 12/17/2022, Officers were called to an E. Main Street address for a possible assault. After an investigation into the matter, it is alleged that Falk physically attacked another individual and choked the individual. Falk was arrested following the investigation and was arraigned in Batavia City Court on 12/19/2022. She was released on recognizance. Falk is due to return to Batavia City Court on 1/3/2023 at 3:00pm. Incident investigated by Officer McGinnis assisted by Officer Post.
David L. Weaver, 32, of Atlanta, Illinois, is charged with Harassment 2nd degree. On 12/10/2022, David L. Weaver was arrested on the above charge after he allegedly struck another person during a disturbance. Weaver was released on an appearance ticket and appeared in Batavia City Court on 12/27/22 at 1:00PM. Incident investigated by Officer Crossett assisted by Officer Mruczek.
Dustin T. Forkell, 31, of Holley, NY, is charged with Petit Larceny and False Personation. On 12/11/2022 Forkell was arrested on the above listed charges. Forkell allegedly stole property from a local business and fled the scene. He was located at another business by BPD. Forkell allegedly then provided a false name after being placed under arrest. He was processed at BPD and issued an appearance ticket returnable to Batavia City Court on 01/03/2023 at 1:00PM and released. Incident investigated by Officer Rissinger assisted by Officer Crossett.
An 18-year-old of Washington Avenue, Batavia, NY, is charged with Assault 3rd and Criminal Mischief. On 12/14/2022 the 18-year-old was arrested on the above listed charges. The 18-year-old allegedly attacked a family member with an iPad causing physical injury during a domestic incident. The 18-year-old was processed, arraigned in Batavia City Court before Judge Rogers, and released with a return date of 01/03/2023 at 3:00pm. Incident investigated by Officer Rissinger assisted by Officer Crossett.
Brittanee J. Hooten, 33, of State Street, Batavia, NY, was arrested on two bench warrants after having failed to appear on appearance tickets for prior arrests. On 12/14/2022, Hooten was arrested on a bench warrant out of Batavia City Court. She was arraigned in Batavia City Court before Judge Burns and released with a return date of 12/22/2022 at 1:30 PM. Incident investigated by Officer Rissinger.
Karrie A. Morrow, 40, of Summit Street, Batavia, NY, was arrested on several outstanding bench warrants. Morrow was arrested on December 14th on several outstanding bench warrants out of City of Batavia Court after she was located during an unrelated incident. The warrants stem from several petit larceny cases at local businesses. Morrow was arraigned in City Court and released under the supervision of Genesee Justice. Morrow is scheduled to reappear in City Court at a later date. Incident investigated by Officer Quider.
Jeffrey M. VanEpps, 45, of Albion, NY, is charged with Criminal Mischief and Attempted Assault in the 3rd degree. On 12/14/2022, VanEpps was arrested on the above charges following a disturbance at a local business on W. Main Street. VanEpps was released on an appearance ticket and is to appear in Batavia City Court on 01/03/2023 at 1:00pm. Incident investigated by Officer Mruczrek assisted by Sgt. Cowen.

Jacob A. Richards, 34, of Rochester, NY, is charged with Possession of a Forged Instrument in the 1st degree and Grand Larceny in the 4th degree. On 12/06/2022, RICHARDS was arrested on an arrest warrant issued out of Batavia City Court on the above charges following a report of a forged check at a local banking institution. RICHARDS was arraigned in Batavia City Court and held on bail with a return court date of 12/20/2022 at 1:00PM. Incident investigated by Detective Cronmiller assisted by Officer Crossett.
Terrance L. Falk, 24, of North Street, Batavia, NY, is charged with Criminal Mischief in the 4th degree and Assault in the 3rd degree. Falk was arrested on the above listed charges after a reported domestic incident where it is alleged that he was involved in a physical altercation with a female. Falk fled the scene prior to the arrival of police. He was located and taken into custody without incident a short distance away from the scene. Falk was arraigned in Batavia City Court before Judge Burns. He was released on recognizance and appeared in Batavia City Court on December 21, 2022 at 1:30 PM. Incident investigated by Officer Martinez assisted by Officer Crossett.
Byron K. Bell, 53, of Rochester, NY, is charged with Criminal Possession of Stolen Property 3rd degree, Aggravated Unlicensed Operation 3rd degree and Speeding. On 12/11/2022, BELL was arrested on the above listed charges following a traffic stop. Bell was allegedly found to be operating a vehicle while his license to drive was suspended and while in possession of a stolen vehicle. Bell was arraigned in Batavia City Court in front of Judge Rogers and remanded to Genesee County Jail until his next court date of 12/20/2022 at 1:00 pm. Incident investigated by Officer Girvin assisted by Officer Moscicki.
Harry R. Silliman, 58, homeless of Batavia, NY, is charged with Trespass. On 12/6/2022, Batavia Police arrested Silliman following an investigation into a domestic incident on Maple Street. Silliman was issued an appearance ticket scheduling him to appear in Batavia City Court on 12/20/2022 at 1:00PM. Incident investigated by Officer Perkins assisted by Officer Crossett.

Zakara R. Jackson, 19, of Trumbull Parkway, Batavia, NY, is charged with bail jumping 2nd degree and Failure to Appear. On 12/08/2022, Jackson was arrested on an outstanding bench warrant. During the investigation into the warrant, it was found that Jackson failed to appear on her scheduled date after being released on a felony arrest. Jackson was additionally charged with bail jumping in the second degree, a class E felony. Jackson was arraigned in City Court and released under the supervision of Genesee Justice. Jackson is scheduled to re-appear in City Court at a later date. Incident investigated by Officer Gombos assisted by Officer Lindsay.
Daquan J. Butler, 26, of Ross Street, Batavia, NY, is charged with Petit Larceny. Daquan Butler was arrested on December 7th after an incident that occurred on December 3rd where Butler allegedly stole an iPhone 13 from an individual on Ross Street. Butler was arraigned in Batavia City Court and released. Butler is scheduled to reappear in Batavia City Court at a later date. Incident Investigated by Officer Post assisted by Officer Quider.
Sourced via CRIMEWATCH®: https://crimewatch.net/us/ny/genesee/batavia-pd/138661/post/arrest-releases-12292022