Day: March 24, 2023
GENESEE COUNTY/Indoor shooting range in Bergen damaged by fire
GENESEE COUNTY/Inaugural GLOW With Your Hands healthcare career event connects over 600 students with healthcare organizations

Dozens of healthcare provide students with career insights and hands-on experiences in the healthcare sector Press release BATAVIA, NY – More than 600 students from 28 school districts from Genesee, Livingston, Orleans, and Wyoming (GLOW) counties experienced a hands-on healthcare career exploration event Friday. Supported by business and educational groups …
WYOMING COUNTY SHERIFF’S REPORT/Batavia woman charged after a string of larcenies in Warsaw

A Batavia woman was arrested multiple times following a string of larcenies on March 13, 2023..At around 1:30p.m., Cassandra F. Smith, 37, of Batavia, NY, was arrested by deputies following ashoplifting complaint at Tops Market in the Town of Warsaw. Smith was stopped and found tohave also allegedly shoplifted from …