(Provided information and photos)
The annual NYSSA (New York State Snowmobile Association) forum and was held in Lake Placid, NY this year at the Olympic Center. The Genesee SnoPackers were the recipient of the Snowmobile Club of the Year Award at the forum on April 21st-23rd. There are a total of 258 clubs in New York.
The Genesee SnoPackers were recognized for their years of fundraising for the Pink Fund and for their assistance and efforts during the 2022 Christmas Blizzard. Buck’s Motor Sports in Akron, NY was also recognized, they were recognized as the dealership of the year.
The NYSSA forum is a meeting of all clubs across NYS. They assist with educational classes and hold an annual awards banquet for clubs.
Below is a link to the video presented at the awards banquet.
(Buck’s Motorsports is at 6:42, and the SnoPackers are at 8:46)

Group photo of Genesee SnoPackers accepting awards- Left back row- Justin Schmidbauer, Tom Beaser, Secretary Dawn Clark, Brad Chaddock, President Rollin Scroger, Tony Johnston, Vice President Nathan Fix, Samantha Hilchey, Brad Hilchey, Jen Ryan, Jane Chaddock
Front row- Alyssa Schmidbauer, Waylon Fix, Nathan Fix Jr, Hannah Chaddock