Press release
BATAVIA, NY – Over 500 projects supported by the Genesee County Economic Development Center have generated over $2 billion of investment in Genesee County, pledged over 5,000 jobs, and the construction of over 5 million square feet of new and renovated facilities, the agency announced in its 2022 annual report to community stakeholders.
The Genesee County Economic Development Center (GCEDC) officially unveiled its 2022 annual report to the community at the organization’s annual meeting on April 28, 2023 at Batavia Downs. The event also marks the 20th anniversary of Steve Hyde as President and CEO of the GCEDC.
“Since Steve Hyde joined the GCEDC in 2003 as our President and CEO, the board and staff of the GCEDC have led a generation of economic development projects, the creation of successful business parks, and significant benefits to our community and workforce,” said GCEDC Board Chair Pete Zeliff. “When Steve came to the agency, he had a vision and a strategy and he has patiently adhered to it through all these years, and now the business transactions we are successfully brokering here are record breaking and transformative and poised to continue.”
In 2022, the GCEDC closed on 12 projects that resulted in over $140 million in economic impact; $97 million in capital investment; and a pledge of 117 new jobs. The Batavia/Genesee County region was once recognized as a top performing micropolitan for the 19th consecutive year by Site Selection Magazine.

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A number of projects closed in 2022 will increase the county’s stock of industrial, medical, and housing assets. In Bergen, Apples Tree Acres LLC has begun construction on a $3.15 million project to add 50,000 square feet of industrial space. In Batavia, Rochester Regional Health is investing $42 million to construct a 161,540 square foot medical facility. JR Fancher is in the final stages of building a 14,000 sq. ft. mixed use development at Buffalo East Tech Park in Pembroke that will add 6 market-rate housing units and commercial space.
In addition to 2022 projects, the GCEDC also welcomed the ongoing construction of Plug Power’s $232 million green hydrogen manufacturing facility, the announcement of Edwards’s $209 million semiconductor dry pump manufacturing facility, and the announcement of Horizon Acres Associates $142 million flex campus.

“The success of the organization is the result of the unique collaboration between the public and private sectors that results in highly successful projects year after year,” said Steve Hyde, GCEDC President and CEO. “Our community has all the positive attributes that are essential qualities that businesses are looking for, including a tremendous location, a highly productive and educated workforce, access to clean energy and an overall wonderful quality of life.”

The annual report also highlights the continued success of the specialized workforce development programs between the GCEDC and other county and region wide business and educational organizations, including the GLOW Workforce Development Board, Genesee Valley Educational Partnership among others.

GLOW With Your Hands Manufacturing had record participation in 2022 welcoming 1,000 students and 65 exhibitors in skilled trades, manufacturing, agribusiness. The Genesee Valley Pre-Apprenticeship Bootcamp, Genesee Community College Tech Wars, Cornell in High School Food Processing Bootcamp, and the Batavia Downtown Business Improvement District Box Car Derby continue to increase students participating in STEM and Skilled Trades activities.
“When site selectors and business representatives visit Genesee County, the first thing they want to know is the quality of the local workforce and we are able to answer that it is strong and well prepared,” said Chris Suozzi, GCEDC Vice President of Business and Workforce Development. “This is due to the fact that we get our students engaged with STEM related experiences at an early age and as they continue their education, we are with them every step of the way.”
Visit to download the full GCEDC 2022 Annual Report.