Video–Jim Frascati, owner of Capish Restaurant in LeRoy, talks about coming to the U. S. with his mother and his twin brother, Joe, 50 years ago. He says his two grown older sisters came over to the US afterwards. Jim served as a Rochester Police Officer from 1989-1998 and then as an investigator with Greece Police from 1998-2015. Frascati opened Capish 7 years ago, originally wanting to open a pizzeria only, but when he found the current building that houses Capish, he fell in love with it and decided to open a full restaurant. Jim also takes people on trips to Italy each year as their tour guide in the fall.

Frascati served as a police officer with the Rochester Police Department from 1989-1998 and as an Investigator with the Irondequoit Police from 1998-2015 before opening Capish in LeRoy. According to a close friend, he decided to become a police officer after getting lost at Midtown Plaza in Rochester upon his arrival to the U.S. at 12 years old. He did not speak English at the time and was assisted by a Rochester Police Officer who spoke Italian and helped him find his way home.

Congratulations and thank you for your service.