The Town of Batavia is seeking to purchase a former funeral home location at 4120 West Main Street Road, to house the Town of Batavia Court and offices.
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The Town Board approved a resolution at their Regular Town Board meeting on Wednesday night, to authorize the Town to make an offer of $600,000 to ACME Holdings of WNY INC. The property is .72 acres and has a 9,000 square foot commercial building. If accepted, Town Supervisor Greg Post is authorized to execute the purchase and sales agreement on behalf of the Town.

“We have many options under consideration to improve the court facility, this is one of several options including a leased space and constructing new. This is our first move towards improving the court facilities, we continue to explore other alternatives. We are looking for the best value for the community and we feel time is of the essence,” says Post.
The property has many features that make it a good fit says Post.
“There is not going to need to be a reconstruction, but there will need to be improvements made to make it consistent with the Office of Court Administration guidelines. It’s bounded by Town leased property at the Kings Plaza pump stations, so it would be contiguous to property the town has already engaged in business with. It’s close to the Town Hall, it’s in proximity to the business that we already transact and its easily accessible to both law enforcement, attorneys and their clients. We’re starting out with this because this is the easiest to start our process with and the others, as we evolve, will be considered by this board at future meetings.”
The purchase is not subject to permissive referendum pursuant to Town Law. The expenditure will be financed with surplus funds according to the resolution.

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