Day: July 20, 2023
GENESEE COUNTY/Darien/Concert arrest reports
The following people were arrested on July 15, 2023 while at the Sam Hunt Concert at Darien LakeAmphitheater: Laurin A. Moro, 21, of Kalar Road, Niagara Falls, Ontario, was arrested and charged with trespass afterallegedly entering an area of the concert venue after being advised several times to leave thevenue …
Genesee Valley BOCES receives a generous donation from Power & Construction Group

Left to right- Rachel Slobert(Executive Principal, GV BOCES), Seana Ellis (Executive Assistant, P&CG), Bernadette Harwood (Conservation Teacher, GV BOCES), Schuyler Daugherty (Conservation Teacher, GV BOCES), Jason Buchinger, (Vice President, P&CG), and Tim Flack. (Assistant Principal, GV BOCES) (Provided photo) Press release Power & Construction Group (P&CG), a prominent industry leader recently made …
ORLEANS COUNTY/Public meeting on proposed District Court system/July 19, 2023
GENESEE COUNTY/Town of Batavia Regular Town Board meeting/July 19, 2023

TOWN OF BATAVIAREGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETINGWEDNESDAY, JULY 19, 20237:00 P.M. Town HallA. Calling the Meeting to Order: A. Calling the Meeting to Order: B. 7:00 PM -Public Hearing – Increase and Improvement of Facilities of theTown of Batavia Consolidated Water District in the Town of Batavia, County of Genesee,New York, …