(Provided photo) Pictured from left to right: Wyoming County District Attorney Donald O’Geen, Chris Mowery of Rachel’s Challenge, Letchworth Middle School Principal Amy Leone
Press release
On Friday September 8th, Letchworth Middle School hosted Rachel’s Challenge. Presenter Chris Mowery, talked to students about the inspiring story of Rachel Scott, whose example of kindness and acceptance came to light after she became the first victim in the Columbine High School tragedy.
Conveyed through stories from Rachel’s life and writings, Rachel’s Challenge shows the profound positive impact we can have on those around us. Rachel’s Challenge demonstrates to the listener the power of deliberately reaching out in word and action to start what Rachel called, “a chain reaction of kindness and compassion.” This program to stop school violence provides simple, positive actions students can take to create a positive, inclusive culture in their school.
Rachel’s Challenge encourages participants to examine their own lives in the light of the following 5 challenges:
- Look for the Best in Others
- Dream Big
- Choose Positive Influences
- Speak with Kindness
- Start your own Chain Reaction
The middle school was able to bring Rachel’s Challenge this fall with the help of the Wyoming County District Attorney Donald O’Geen.
In the afternoon some of the students were brought back to talk with Mr. Mowery and watch another presentation. These students were challenged with coming up with ideas on how to keep the message they heard ongoing. Some of the ideas were, putting positive messages in lockers, making a chain for every kind thing someone does or has done for them, creating a “closet” for kids who are in need where they could get basic supplies, and many more.
Friday night there was a parent presentation that gave the same message the students heard during the day. When asked what they got out of the presentation, some of the responses were; “Even one small thing makes a difference.” “Kindness is free.” “Being nice to someone could change their whole day.”
“My office is proud to be part of bringing this program to Letchworth Central School (LCS). I have known Principal Leone for many years and I know she will use this program to the fullest extent, which will only solidify the great things going on at LCS.
We need programs like Rachel’s Challenge to once again teach our kids civility, compassion, and kindness. We need the next generation to be able to think and dream big. I encourage everyone to accept Rachel’s challenge. Rachel was a wonderful young lady who died so tragically and senselessly. Prior to her death she had dreamed that she would make a difference in the lives of millions. LCS continued to make her dream come true by accepting her challenge,” said District Attorney Donald O’Geen.
“It is our goal here at Letchworth Central School to continue to create positive messages. Rachel’s Challenge will help us carry that forward throughout the year,” said Middle School Principal Amy Leone.
“We continue to stress the importance of, “Together…We are Letchworth.” Within this motto, little things always matter. The ways we treat each other on a daily basis with a sense of dignity is at the heart of all we do and stand for. I am very supportive of Rachel’s Challenge, and the message it brings to our students. We need daily reminders that a simple encouraging word could be the difference maker in a
student’s life that day!” – Todd Campbell, Superintendent