Genesee Cancer Assistance held their annual “Night at the Downs” gathering to honor and acknowledge their community supporters, their dedicated volunteers and the cancer patients they serve on Saturday evening.
“This started out as our 25th Anniversary event (in 2021), and it just seemed like a great social event, and everyone had a good time, so we kept it up and it continues to grow. We have 300 people here, once upon a time it was 200 people, so it’s pretty exciting that people are willing to come and support us, it’s fun,” says Sue Underwood, Executive Director at Genesee Cancer Assistance.
The public awareness event is a way of telling the community how much their support is appreciated over the years.

Genesee Cancer Assistance alleviates some of the difficulties experienced by cancer patients, their families and caregivers, by providing financial assistance and a variety of free support services after a cancer diagnosis for patients in Genesee County.
“We currently give $700 to every patient who applies. For people who are in this kind of situation, financial assistance is really important,” says Underwood. “We also do wigs (as part of the Simply Beautiful program) and counseling, but financial need is big, whether it be mileage or co-pays, it’s a real thing for a lot of people.”

Genesee Cancer Assistance patient, Dave Nesbitt, spoke about his experience when he found out he was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia, a serious blood cancer, in September of 2022. Nesbitt says Genesee Cancer Assistance has helped both financially and spiritually and have been very helpful over the past 8 months.
“I went to Strong Hospital by ambulance unconscious and barely alive. Three days later, I was diagnosed and was told my disease was uncurable, but they were going to find a way to manage it,” says Nesbitt.
Nesbitt had no idea what was ahead after the diagnosis after spending 8 days in the hospital. Nesbitt started with aggressive chemotherapy that completely destroyed his entire immune system. When he was finished, he was admitted to Wilmot Cancer Institute in Batavia for observation and the sterile environment.
“I was susceptible to any kind of sickness and the next 44 days were rough. I went through hell. Mini strokes, seizures, and I spent time in the intensive care unit. I can’t remember how many blood and platelet infusions I had. They gave me 4-6 months to live because the chemo treatments had failed.”
After many trips to the hospital for infections and other chemo treatments along with 9 bone marrow biopsies and prescription changes, Nesbitt had no increases in his red or white platelet counts and was told he was in remission this past summer, something he thought he would never hear. Nesbitt spent the summer with his girlfriend and the couple’s friends going on picnics, concerts, boat rides and going out to dinner.
“I called it my goodbye tour, but really it was I can’t take it with me tour.”
Nesbitt is hoping to get into a clinical study at Roswell in Buffalo as his leukemia has returned. He says it depends on his numbers.
“My time is running out and I am believing in faith that I will be able to qualify for this study, fingers crossed I am hoping for the best.”

Genesee Cancer Assistance Board Member Shirley Puleo encouraged those in the crowd to consider volunteering or joining as a board member as the organization is always looking for hard working enthusiastic people.
“We have many opportunities and events throughout the year, and I can vouch for how fun and rewarding the work is.”
Underwood says she wants the community to know that Genesee Cancer Assistance is here for them.
“People usually don’t need us until they need us. Once you learn about us and have that experience, most of the time people are willing to give back and that is what goes hand and hand with it.”
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