Town of Batavia Planning Board Meeting
Batavia Town Hall, 3833 W Main St. Rd. Batavia, NY
Tuesday February 6, 2024, 7:00 pm
An application for a Special Use Permit by Wesley Winters, to add a third apartment to an existing structure in the Hamlet Commercial District at 8591 Slusser Rd, – Tax Map 6.-1-48.
Call Regular Planning Board Meeting to Order
Pledge to the Flag
Roll Call
Designation of Alternate Member(s) for voting purposes if necessary
Approval of Minutes of the previous meeting (1/16/24)
Public Comment on Agenda Items
1. Wesley Winters, application for site plan review and request for Special Use Permit to add a third apartment to an existing structure in the Hamlet Commercial District at 8591 Slusser Rd, corner Route 5 in the Town of Batavia.
2. Presentation by Matt Fitzgerald, Attorney, regarding mail out of materials and SEQR process in the Agri-Park. This is regarding Hood and Bio-gas companies.
3. Zoning Enforcement Officer Report
4. Chairman Report
5. Adjournment